Sunday, August 5, 2018

[Code snippet]: Planet API Image Download Url

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from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import os
import requests

item_id = "20161109_173041_0e0e"
item_type = "PSScene3Band"

os.environ['PLANET_API_KEY'] = '3b711bededf6485a0' #not a real id
asset_type = "visual"
item_url = '{}/items/{}/assets'.format(item_type, item_id)

# Request a new download URL
result = requests.get(item_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(os.environ['PLANET_API_KEY'], ''))
download_url = result.json()[asset_type]['location']


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Monday, June 11, 2018

[Snippet]: Fetch User Name and Email Address from Windows AD Group using Powershell script.

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#Store users' info in CSV

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity GROUPNAME -Recursive|Get-ADUser -Properties Mail, MemberOf | Select-Object GivenName, Surname, SamAccountName, Mail  | Export-csv -path GROUPNAME .csv -NoTypeInformation

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

[Code Snippet] How to a create user in arcgis portal with a custom role?

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Create a user or add member in ArcGIS portal with a custom role -

1. Get all custom roles from the portal, I presumed that the portal already has custom roles other than (org_user, org_publisher, org_admin)

from arcgis.gis import *
gis= GIS(portalUrl, userName, password)
allRoles = gis.users.roles.all(max_roles=50)

2. Create a User with Default Role

description = 'Test Account'
role = 'org_publisher'
provider = 'enterprise'
idp_username = 'test'
level = 2
thumbnail = None

newUser = gis.users.create(username, password,firstname,
               lastname, email, description, role, provider, 
               idp_username, level, thumbnail)

3. Update  the defualt role to Custom Role - Assign the role object not role name

#Assigning the first role out of many portal roles, as an example
status = newUser.update_role(role=allRoles[0]

If role assigned success, the value of status will be True.


Friday, May 25, 2018

[Code Snippet] Find Custom Role of users that are in ArcGIS portal - ArcGIS

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from arcgis.gis import *

self.portalInfo = GIS(self.portalUrl, self.userName, self.password)

self.portalUsers ='')

users = self.portalUsers

roleManager = arcgis.gis.RoleManager(self.portalInfo)

roles = roleManager.all()

for user in users:

if hasattr(user,'roleId'):

for role in roles:

if(user.roleId == role.role_id):


Remote debug environment setup for ArcGIS server extensions- SOE and SOI

In order to debug the ArcGIS server extension SOE/SOI from your development machine, you have to follow 3 steps:
           1.       Enable remote debug ( Presumption is your development machine and GIS server are different machines)
           2.       Enable sever extension for debug
           3.       Attach debugger to the process running the service

Download and install the remote debuggin tools from - 

      A.  Enable remote debug
1.       Download and configure Remote tools on the development
a.       Find msvsmon.exe in the directory matching your version of Visual Studio. For Visual Studio 2015:

Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe
(x64 can debug both x86 and x64 but x86 can only debugs x86)

2.       On the remote computer,  copy Remote Debugger folder from development machine and put in C:\ drive. Then, run msvsmon.exe
3.       The msvsmon.exe output terminal shows

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Code snippet: Get DateTime from UTC timestamp in ArcGIS Online

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 ArcGIS Online stores all date values in UTC.  A short snippet to convert UTC timestamp to DateTime using Python.

      from datetime import datetime

      utcTimeStamp = 1472218452855

      date = datetime.fromtimestamp(utcTimeStamp / 1e3)

output: 2016-08-26 09:34:12.855000

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Override Default Location of Jupyter Notebook file

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This post is continue of  ArcGIS Pro, Conda, Jupyter Setup post. The default location of Jupter Notebook IronPython (*.ipynb) file is   C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3 - 
               import os
               print (os.getcwd())

To change the default location of Jypyter notebook script file(*ipynb) you need to configure

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

ArcGIS Pro, Conda, Jupyter, and ArcGIS for Python setup

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     B. Installation of Jupyter and ArcGIS for Python API can be done in two ways. 

1.       Using  ArcGIS Pro’s Python Package Manager Graphical User Interface ( uses Conda under the hood)
2.       Using Conda via Python Command Prompt

1. Using ArcGIS Pro's Python Pacakge Manager
 i.    Click About ArcGIS Pro

ii. Select packages you would like to install

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

ArcGIS Server Rest End Point POST parameters for Create Replica for ArcGIS collector

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Post Params list -
  1. replicaName:
  2. layers:
  3. layerQueries:
  4. geometry:
    {"rings": [[[-9074894.9, 3341138.1], [-9045657.8, 3341176.3], [-9045657.8, 3320500.1], [-9074818.5, 3320538.3], [-9074894.9, 3341138.1]]], "spatialReference": {"wkid": 3857}}
  5. geometryType:
  6. inSR:
  7. replicaSR:
  8. transportType:
  9. returnAttachments:
  10. returnAttachmentsDataByUrl:
  11. attachmentsSyncDirection:
  12. async:
  13. syncModel:
  14. dataFormat:
  15. replicaOptions:
  16. f:

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