Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Conference: MidAmerica GIS Symposium (MAGIC) 2016 Symposium

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The 2016 Symposium will be held at the Overland Park, KS Convention Center April 24 - April 28, 2016 in Overland Park, Kansas. The conference hotel, the Overland Park Sheraton is adjacent to the Convention Center.
Why did we chose Overland Park? Overland Park is one of the fastest growing areas in the country. The OP Convention Center is very spacious - offering our Planning Committees ample opportunity to bring you new learning experiences! Additionally, we've listened to your concerns with previous location logistics:
  • Parking: It's free and there is plenty of it!
  • Internet: It's also free EVERYWHERE including the guest rooms, meeting rooms, and Exhibit Hall!
  • The Gym: It's free too!
  • Location: Downtown Kansas City can be intimidating. The Overland Park Convention Center is extremely easy to get to, and is right off a major highway. Additionally, the area is hopping with new entertainment and shopping districts, restaurants and museums!
GIS covers such a broad range of subjects, applications and types of people that use it, that developing a conference program that meets everyone's needs is a challenging task. Even more challenging is an attendee trying to figure out exactly which sessions or topics will be most interesting and helpful. MAGIC 2016 is intended to focus the content of the presentation options into a program specifically geared to each attendee's needs.

Nhibernate criteria API - select from multiple tables

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If you ever worked with relational databases then higher chances are you already worked with sub queries. Some time while working with Nhibernate you get yourself into some situation where you need sub query to do some lifting for you. In NHibernate criteria API you can do the sub query usingDetachedCriteria and Subqueries classes. As the name suggests DetachedCriteria helps you define your sub query criteria while Subqueries class help you create sub query criterion object using detached criteria object.

In order to demonstrate sub query implementation lets consider an example. Suppose we have three entities Order, OrderItem and Product where one order can more have more then one order items while one order item may be linked to a product. If we need to do a query where we need to list all those order items which are linked to products and have price greater then $100. Also the products must be the ones marked as special in system. The SQL for such query may be something like below

WHERE OI.Price > 100 AND OI.ProductId IN ( SELECT P.ProductId FROM Product WHERE P.IsSpecial = 1 )

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Conference: FOSS4G North America (FOSS4GNA) 2016, Raleigh, North Carolina

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Dear Everyone,
On behalf of the Organizing Team, we would like to invite you to submit talk & workshop proposals for FOSS4G North America 2016. The conference will run May 2-5, 2016 at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.. 
Like last year, we will be offering a free full access pass to speakers who have their talk or workshop accepted. The 2016 conference will be noticeably bigger than 2015. The list of topics include a number of mature areas as well as emerging ones. Please see the call for proposals for details and to submit a proposal. 
Also, public community voting on submissions has been enabled. Cast your vote for the presentations and workshops you would like to see! 
We wish you a safe and happy holiday season! 
The FOSS4G NA 2016 Team

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Leaflet WMS layer custom projection on fly

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For most of the WMS mapping applications the Google Web Mercator (GWM) projection is sufficient. The GWM is default standard for web mapping and widley accepted by Bing, Google, OSM, OpenLayers(default), and Leaflets(default). However some mapping application required custom projection other than Google Mercator projection to display data. Then, how to project/re-project the data other than wms's default projection, GWM.

The following snippet shows the WMS layer custom projection in LEAFLET for  Albers equal area and UTM zone 13.

Step 1.

First of all include -
         proj4leaflet.js  in following order.    

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />  
     <script src=""></script>  
     <script src="//"></script>  
     <script src=""></script>  

Step 2: Create new Proj4Leaflet CRS

Find your desired custom projection type in and punch the the projection variable in the following code snippet.


Friday, November 6, 2015

Passing R variables dynamically to JavaScript for data visualization

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For a random project, I was interested to see if there a way to pass data between R and JavaScript. My purpose was to populate a Highcharts graph dynamically using preprocessed data from R. Of course, my first look was rCharts, an R package to create and publish interactive JavaScript visualizations, which also support the Highcharts for building interactive graphs and plots. The rCharts is a great package and widely popular among R users to create interactive charts without knowing the underlying JavaScript.

My requirement was not only the interactive chart but also dynamic that can create chart on near real time as shown in Highcharts demo. It seems to me that rCharts neither provide a straightforward way to add-point on series nor a way to customize the JavaScript to create such dynamic charts. As far as I know, it has limitations (or out of context of rCharts philosophy) for doing sophisticated jobs that requires JavaScript customization. At this moment it only supports the 24 functions from Highcharts API through R interface.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Read ESRI File Gdodatabase (FileGDB) using GDAL & C#

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If you are creating a new project- set up GDAL & C# environment as described here

Code snippet to read ESRI File Geo-database (FileGDB) using GDAL and C#. By default it uses GDAL's 'OpenFileGDB' (read only) driver with out any external dependencies. If you are interested in editing GDB feature class you should use 'FileGDB' (read-write) driver, which had dependency on ESRI's FGDB API SDK. The UCLA's internal testing showed that ESRI's FileGDB driver drags the performance than OpenFileGDB for read-only operation. So choose the driver according to your needs.

However, both GDAL drivers and ESRI's API do not support the raster dataset inside the GDB till date.

 public static void ReadEsriGdb(string gdbPath, string featureLayerName)  
       //Register the vector drivers  
       //Reading the vector data  
       DataSource dataSource = Ogr.Open(gdbPath, 0);  
       Layer layer = dataSource.GetLayerByName(featureLayerName);  
      ReadEsriGdb("gdbPath.gdb", "counties");  

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Clip a raster from feature shape file using C# and ArcObject's geoprocessor

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Code snippet in clipping a raster from feature shape file using C# and ArcObject's geoprocessor -

 public static void ClipRaster(string inRaster, string inClipFeature, string outTempRaster)  
       Clip clipTool = new Clip();  
       //set clip parameters  
       clipTool.in_raster = inRaster;  
       clipTool.out_raster = outTempRaster;  
       //clip extent  
       clipTool.in_template_dataset = inClipFeature;  
       Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();  
       gp.OverwriteOutput = true;  
       gp.AddOutputsToMap = false;  
         IGeoProcessorResult result = (IGeoProcessorResult)gp.ExecuteAsync(clipTool);  
         while(result.Status != esriJobStatus.esriJobSucceeded)  
       catch (Exception ex)  
         object level = 0;  
         Console.WriteLine(gp.GetMessages(ref level));  
         Console.WriteLine(" Failed to clip raster using ESRI clip tool " + ex.Message);  

Enable ESRI ArcGIS extension licence from C#

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Code snippet on enabling ESRI ArcGIS extension licence for spatial analysis using C#

       UID pUid = new UIDClass();  
       pUid.Value = "esriSpatialAnalystUI.SAExtension";  
       // Add Spatial Analyst extension to the license manager.  
       object v = null;  
       IExtensionManagerAdmin extensionManagerAdmin = new ExtensionManagerClass();  
       extensionManagerAdmin.AddExtension(pUid, ref v);  
       // Enable the license.  
       IExtensionManager extensionManager = (IExtensionManager)extensionManagerAdmin;  
       IExtension extension = extensionManager.FindExtension(pUid);  
       IExtensionConfig extensionConfig = (IExtensionConfig)extension;  
       if (extensionConfig.State != esriExtensionState.esriESUnavailable)  
         extensionConfig.State = esriExtensionState.esriESEnabled;  
         Console.WriteLine("No Spatial Analyst License available");  

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Calculate zonal-statistics using ESRI ArcObjects and C#

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Import the following references in the project.

using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.SpatialAnalystTools;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem;

This solution is only works for single band raster. For multi-band raster zonal statistics I will make a separate post soon.

 public static void ComputeZonalStatisticsFromEsri(string feature, string zoneField, string valueRaster, string outputTable)  
       UID pUid = new UIDClass();  
       pUid.Value = "esriSpatialAnalystUI.SAExtension";  
       // Add Spatial Analyst extension to the license manager.  
       object v = null;  
       IExtensionManagerAdmin extensionManagerAdmin = new ExtensionManagerClass();  
       extensionManagerAdmin.AddExtension(pUid, ref v);  
       // Enable the license.  
       IExtensionManager extensionManager = (IExtensionManager)extensionManagerAdmin;  
       IExtension extension = extensionManager.FindExtension(pUid);  
       IExtensionConfig extensionConfig = (IExtensionConfig)extension;   

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Read raster block by block or row by row using GDAL and C#

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If you are creating a new project- set up GDAL & C# environment as described here

Code Snippet: Read raster block by block using GDAL and C#
 private static void ReadRasterBlocks(ref Dataset valueRaster)  
   Band bandValueRaster = valueRaster.GetRasterBand(1);  
   int rasterRows = valueRaster.RasterYSize;  
   int rasterCols = valueRaster.RasterXSize;  
   const int blockSize = 1024;  
   for(int row=0; row<rasterRows; row += blockSize)  
      int rowProcess;  
      if(row + blockSize < rasterRows)  
        rowProcess = blockSize;  
        rowProcess = rasterRows - row;  

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