Friday, July 26, 2013

Geospatial Power in Our Pockets: ASPRS 2014 Annual Conference

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ASPRS 2014 Annual Conference
Geospatial Power in Our Pockets
March 23 - 27, 2014
Galt House Hotel  *  Louisville, Kentucky USA

ASPRS 2014 Annual Conference invites presentations on all types of topics impacting the Geospatial Industry. Conference tracks have been redesigned to fit YOUR real-life business needs. The NEW tracks are listed below with a few subtopics.

Track #1: Geospatial Power in Our Pockets
Geospatial Apps, Mobile Data Collections, Wearable GIS, 3D/4D Visualization
Let your imagination run with this open and innovative track!

Track #2: Emerging Technologies
Surface from Motion, Cyberinfrastructure, Cloud Computing & MORE

Track #3: Business Management & Business Tools
SBA Loan Limit Increases & Your Business, Contracts & Bidding – Processes & Opportunities, Workforce Recruitment, Project Management Overview
This is YOUR chance! Submit a presentation, roundtable discussion or panel session pertaining to YOUR business needs. We want to hear from YOU!

Track #4: Core Technologies
Feature Extraction, Data Compression, High-Resolution Satellite Imagery – Just to name a few

Track #5: Application Areas
Radar Mapping, Land Use, Change Detection, Urban Mapping

Opportunity to Waive GIS Conference Registration

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The 2014 MAGIC Symposium board has put together an ambitious schedule of short courses to help make this Symposium the best yet! We are now seeking instructors who are willing to share with others their expertise and enthusiasm for the many disciplines within GIS.

A list of possible short course titles is below. Other topics are welcomed and encouraged.

Instructors must be able to pay for their travel and expenses. MAGIC does not offer any discounts to instructors or presenters. Instructors who come in only to teach their short course are not required to register for the Symposium. Any other participation in the Symposium, including meals, requires registration.

If you are communications officer for a state GIS mailing list or related local community of GIS professionals, please forward this email. Thank you.

ArcGIS 10 Refresher Course
ArcGIS Online
Introductory Geoprocessing with Python
Open Source GIS
US National Grid
Flex Web Mapping API
GIS and Mapping A to Z
Intermediate Geoprocessing with Python
Introductory Geodatabases
Introductory GPS and Mobile GIS
Introductory ModelBuilder
Silverlight Web Mapping API
Advanced Geoprocessing with Python
Advanced ModelBuilder
Cloud GIS
Introductory LiDAR
Remote Sensing and Mapping A to Z
Using Census 2010 Data
Advanced Geodatabases
Advanced LiDAR
Emergency Response using GPS and Mobile GIS Workflows Infrastructure Management with Imagery Next Generation E911 Utility and Public Works using GPS and Mobile GIS Workflows National Hydrography Dataset HAZUS FEMA NFIP Non-Regulatory Products ARC Server Addressing 

Monday, June 10, 2013

How to get raster pixel values along the overlaying line?

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One afternoon at Java City, my friend Eric and I were discussing about the ways to to get raster pixel values along the overlaying line. The conversation encourages me to write an quick and dirty solution to solve the issue. The following R code snippet helps to conceive an idea to extract the raster values which are intersect or touch by the overlaying straight line in easy fashion using R raster package.

#Print the raster pixel values along the overlaying line in R. The line's start and end row/col (coordinates) must be provided.

#Create an arbitrary raster, for instance I used a names of color as raster pixel values.
r <- as.raster(matrix(colors()[1:100], ncol = 10))

#Start coordinate of a sample line
x0=1      #row = 1
y0=3      #column = 3


#End coordinate of a sample line
x1=10        #row =10
y1=7 #column=7

#Easy sample line generation algorithm : A naïve line-drawing algorithm


for( x in x0:x1)
y = y0 + (dy) * (x - x0)/(dx)

#Print the raster pixel values along the line


Pretty simple concept. You can tweak the code & the line drawing algorithm as your requirement. There are several line drawing algorithm available in the internet. Here I used a simplest one that I found.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Generate Euclidean distance matrix from a point to its neighboring points in R

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#Generate Euclidean distance matrix from a point to its neighboring  points in R
#Load sp library

#Create a 2D metrix of X & Y coordinates of the neighboring  points
neighbours_point <- matrix(c(5, 6,3,5,4,8,7, 10, 60, 60,11,12), ncol=2)

     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    5    7
[2,]    6   10
[3,]    3   60
[4,]    5   60
[5,]    4   11
[6,]    8   12

#Create a point vector with x and y coordinates from which distance should be calculated

[1] 2 3

#Compute the distance matrix

distmat <- spDistsN1(neighbours_point,refrence_point, longlat=FALSE)

[1]  5.000000  8.062258 57.008771 57.078893  8.246211 10.816654


Monday, April 29, 2013

Call for Presentations

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The Annual Missouri Mappers Conference will be held
July 23 - 26 at Tan-Tar-A Resort at
Osage Beach, MO.

Go to to learn more about us!

We are changing our format up a bit and will hold even more workshops and break-out sessions this year! We are looking for presenters willing to do 30 or 45 minute presentations.

Examples of prior conference topics include: Property Assessment & Mapping (Pen & Ink or Digital), Emergency Management, Deed Interpretation, Mobile/GPS, topics concerning local governments and mapping.

This promises to be an awesome conference in a brand new location so come share with us!. Please contact the Conference Chair Lisa Perry at for information and time slots.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Free GIS and 911 Seminar

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Mid-AmericaGIS Consortium (MAGIC) has teamed up with GeoComm, St. Clair IL, and WashingtonUniversity St. Louis to offer a FREE E911 and GIS Seminar in St. Louis, MO on May 29, 2013.

This workshop is for folks working on 911 system and GIS data. This seminar will help build the foundation for understanding requirements, roles, responsibilities, and standards for present 911 systems and NEXT GENERATION 911.

This one day seminar will cover:
·         911 and GIS today
·         Developing communication between 911 and GIS professionals
·         Where is 911 going and what are the new GIS functions?
·         NENA GIS model for public safety
·         Roadmap to future GIS requirements

Date and Location
May 29, 2013 (9:00 am-4:00pm), Washington University-West Campus
7425 Forsyth Blvd. St. Louis. MO 63105


Registration is FREE.
For more information, and to register:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How to Use Boost Library 1.53 in Visual Studio 2012 Professional?

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Friday, March 22, 2013

First Image of Earth from LandSat 8

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The LDCM/LandSat 8, which is launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on February 11, 2013 is started   to send Earth’s picture to the ground from the space. This week, the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) released its first images of Earth, collected at 1:40 p.m. EDT on March 18.LDCM is performing as planned and everything is on track for a May operational transition. LDCM is a joint mission of NASA and the Department of Interior's U.S. Geological Survey.

According to NASA website, LDCM’s first instrument, Operational Land Imager, or OLI instrument, that took the natural color image. The natural color image showed the landscape in the colors our eyes would see, but Landsat sensors also have the ability to see wavelengths of light that our eyes cannot see. LDCM sees eleven bands within the electromagnetic spectrum, the range of wavelengths of light. OLI collects light reflected from Earth's surface in nine of these bands. Wavelengths on the shorter side include the visible blue, green, and red bands. Wavelengths on the longer side include the near infrared and shortwave infrared. LDCM's second instrument, the Thermal InfraredSensor (TIRS) detects light emitted from the surface in two even longer wavelengths called the thermal infrared. The intensity of the emitted light at the longer wavelengths measured by TIRS is a function of surface temperature.

Good Book for GIS Beginners : Book II

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Understanding GIS: An ArcGIS Project Workbook, is a very user-friendly written book for those interested to begin using ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 10 or ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 using real data from the City of Los Angeles' Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering's Mapping Division, and Department of Recreation and Parks and to manipulate it using the power of GIS.

 Don't expect to become a GIS expert at the end because this is simply a good introduction to ArcGIS. The book guides the reader step-by-step, mouse-click-by mouse-click, decision-by-decision through a GIS project to determine for yourself which locations along the river are best suited for public recreational use in Los Angeles. At the end, you will have learned many of the fundamentals of GIS generally and ArcGIS specifically which aims at finding a suitable land parcel(s)for a new park area in Los Angeles .You use real data which comes in the companion DVD. When you reach the final stage in chapter 6 and follow all the careful steps to manually select the best areas and you learned why you do so, you discover in the following chapter (chapter 7) that you can do the same in a much quicker way by using a visual graphing tool, a marvel in my opinion of ArcGIS Desktop.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

GeoExt Layer Tree: Showing BaseLayers and Overlay Layer

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I was looking for GeoExt's tree example for my project, and I found official tutorials are kind of hard to understand for the GeoExt beginners. On Googleing through the internet, I found nice and easy way of creating tree  structure menu using GeoExt BaseLayer and Overlay layer tree.

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