Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Job Title: GIS Parcel Maintenance & Election Systems Tech

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Job Summary:
Incumbent provides general and technical support services as necessary for maintenance and support of the Scott County Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Primary responsibilities include the following for GIS: updating digital cadastral database, editing existing parcels, mapping new subdivisions and surveys, providing map production and creation of reports, maintaining spatial datasets and databases. For election systems: maintaining electronic poll books; training election officials on use of electronic poll books; preparing various items of election data for production of ballots and programming of election tabulators and voter assistance terminals.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Jquery Multiple Range Slider With Floating Points

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I was working on a GIS project, which required four range sliders with floating points to set LCLU change threshold. I finally find out a nice jQuery based multiple range slider at http://jsfiddle.net/q5WEe/1/   The compiled fiddle as a web page source is shown in the Part 1.

Then, my goal was to put floating points on the slider bar value display, but the native jQuery slider bar doesn't support the floating point. jQuery always roundup the floating values to the nearest integer. To display the floating point (for example,0.5 break), I multiplied the max  and values with two and divided the display value with two (Part 2) and then I got jQuery slider bar with floating value as below.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

New Version of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD 2011) Release :Webinar Announcement

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The latest version of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) for the conterminous United States will be publicly released on April 4, 2014. NLCD 2011 is the most up-to-date and extensive iteration of the National Land Cover Database, the definitive Landsat-based, 30-meter resolution land cover database for the Nation. NLCD 2011 products are completely integrated with those of previous versions (2001, 2006), providing a 10-year record of change for the Nation. Products include 16 classes of land cover, the percent of imperviousness in urban areas, and the percent of tree canopy cover. NLCD is constructed by the 10-member federal interagency Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium. This seminar will highlight the new features of NLCD 2011 and the related applications.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Convert TRRM Real Time Binary File into ESRI ASCII

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Seven simple steps for converting TRMM binary to ASCII grid using MATLAB

 %Open TRMM realtime binary file

trmmFile = fopen('E:\TrmmBinary Processing\3B42RT.2012.03.27.09z.bin', 'rb');  

%Move file pointer to the begining of  file


%Read TRMM value from the binary file having 1140 rows and 480 columns

precipitation = fread(trmmFile, [1440,480], 'float32','b');

%Shift precipitation by 90 degree to relate data with equator

precipitation = rot90(precipitation);

%After rotaion by 90 degree ncols changed into 1440 from 480 and nrows
%changed into 480 from 1440

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

We will miss the "father of GIS"

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Dr. Roger Tomlinson has passed away. Tomlinson is generally recognized as the "father of GIS.” He is the visionary geographer who conceived and developed the first GIS for use by the Canada Land Inventory in the early 1960s.  This and continuing contributions led the Canadian government to give him its highest civilian award, the Order of Canada, in 2001.  Text for that award reads, “he pioneered its uses worldwide to collect, manage, and manipulate geographical data, changing the face of geography as a discipline.”

Tomlinson tells the story of how this came to be.  In the early 1960s he was working as a photo interpreter for Spartan Air Services in Canada.  They had a contract to identify the best location for a tree plantation in Kenya.  They turned to their young geographer Tomlinson and asked him to develop a methodology.  He tried various manual methods for overlaying various environmental, cultural, and economic variables, but all were too costly.  He turned to computers and found the solution.  Subsequently he sold this approach to the Canada Land Inventory that had the responsibility of using data to assist the government in its land use planning activities.  His GIS approach reduced the task from three years and eight million Canadian dollars to several weeks and two million dollars.
He went on to serve the community in many ways.  He chaired the International Geographical Union’s GIS Commission for 12 years, where he pioneered the concepts of worldwide geographical data availability. He is a past president of the Canadian Association of Geographers a recipient of its rare Canadian Award for Service to the Profession.
Other awards followed including the James R. Anderson Medal of Honor for Applied Geography (1995) and the Robert T. Aangeenbrug Distinguished Career Award (2005) from the American Association of Geographers.  He was the first recipient of the Aangeenbrug award and also the first recipient of ESRI’s Lifetime Achievement Award (1997). National Geographic gave him its rare Alexander Graham Bell Award for exceptional contributions to geographic research (2010). He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the recipient of multiple honorary doctorates – in addition to his own PhD from University College London.  

Call for Proposals, Presentations and Workshops: Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial 2014, Portland, Oregon (FOSS4G 10th Anniversary)

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FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) is pleased to invite proposals for workshops, papers, and presentations for its 2014 conference to be held in Portland, Oregon, USA from September 8th to 13th.

The annual FOSS4G conference is the largest global gathering for all those currently or potentially working with open source geospatial software. It brings together a mix of developers, users, decision makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation for six days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation.

Conference Dates

Sep 8th-9th: Workshops
Sep 10th-12th: Main Conference
                                                              Sep 13th: Code Sprint

For more information or to keep up to date on news from FOSS4G 2014, follow @foss4g on Twitter, subscribe to our announcements list, or contact: foss4g2014-info@osgeo.org.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Call for Papers: 45th Annual South Dakota State Geography Convention

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45th Annual South Dakota State Geography Convention  March 20-21, 2014 in the Volstorff Ballroom in the South Dakota State University Student Union, Brookings, SD, USA

Student poster and paper abstracts are now being accepted until March 1, 2014!

Please contact: Josh Bucher, Geography Club President, email: joshua.bucher@sdstate.edu

J.R. Smith Memorial Geography Bowl
Thursday: Social at The Ram Pub, Main Street Brookings,SD
Student Poster and Paper Presentations

Friday: Awards Banquet at McCrory Gardens Center & Keynote Speaker; AAG President Julie Winkler
Convention events will begin at 9AM on March 20!

For more information, contact:
Josh Bucher
Geography Club President

Featured Speakers
* Marc Simard, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA
* John Fraser Hart, University of Minnesota
* John Hudson, Northwestern University
* Derek Alderman, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
* Margaret Pearce, University of Kansas
* Forrest Wilkerson, Minnesota State University-Mankato
* Hilary Hungerford, South Dakota State University
* Lara Prihodko, Geospatial Science Center of Excellence, South Dakota State University
* Gray Tappan, U.S. Geological Survey/EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD
Map: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zYDrN4TX_sg8.k3DVcGcbjMU0

Friday, November 22, 2013

Top 20 Research Institutes in Remote Sensing

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A recent study conducted by Yanhua Zhuang et al. (2013) reported the top 20 research institutes in remote sensing using bibliometric analysis on publications published during 1991-2010 in the remote sensing field. 

Oho, Satellites are making RS research interesting!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Impact of Google Maps API v2 shutdown on Openlayers base layers and a easy solution

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Finally on Nov 19 2013, Google shut down Google Maps v2 API, which was depreciated in May 19 2010 but was working continuously Nov 19. I was aware of version depreciation, but I procrastinate to upgrade till last minute because of working on too many other things. While checking my Web map (built on Openlayers, Geoserver and Google Maps as base layers (Google Maps API v2) on Nov 20, I saw two map controls one from Openlayers and other from Google Maps API also noticed that map application was unresponsive.

Looking around I found easy steps to fix it without major change in the code-

Friday, November 15, 2013

New 2014 GIS Internship/Jobs Opportunities

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1) 2014 Summer Opportunities: Yosemite National Park, CA
These four summer positions involve a complete remeasurement of the 25.6 ha Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot, located near Crane Flat in old-growth sugar pine/white fir forest. The plot burned at generally low to moderate severity in the 2013 Rim Fire. Tasks include revisiting each tree and snag; recording mortalities, ingrowth, and newly fallen wood; measuring scorch and snag heights; and mapping shrub patches, down CWD and areas of the forest floor that did not burn. Other tasks include measuring fuel consumption along fixed transects, installing and measuring dendrometers, and collecting data from associated instrumentation. Mortality checks require hatchet use. Staff will supervise students and volunteers.
Qualifications: Previous experience taking vegetation research data, working safely in challenging environments, and following complex data collection protocols is required. Candidates should demonstrate the ability to solve problems and to work both independently and in teams of two or three. Work will involve moving through sometimes steep, rocky terrain with delicate and expensive equipment, as well as the ability to carry up to 15 kg of additional gear. Work experience in post-fire forests strongly desired, as is some knowledge of western flora, tree pathogens, and forest insects. Staff must have a driver’s license and a Wilderness First Aid/CPR certification (or higher) valid until August 31, 2014 (if you are not certified, please include your plans for certification in your cover letter). Other: Practical experience in the operation and maintenance of computer, electronic, and mechanical equipment; familiarity with a variety of software and instrumentation; and experience with periods of outdoor living are all positives.

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