Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How to Use Boost Library 1.53 in Visual Studio 2012 Professional?

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Friday, March 22, 2013

First Image of Earth from LandSat 8

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The LDCM/LandSat 8, which is launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on February 11, 2013 is started   to send Earth’s picture to the ground from the space. This week, the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) released its first images of Earth, collected at 1:40 p.m. EDT on March 18.LDCM is performing as planned and everything is on track for a May operational transition. LDCM is a joint mission of NASA and the Department of Interior's U.S. Geological Survey.

According to NASA website, LDCM’s first instrument, Operational Land Imager, or OLI instrument, that took the natural color image. The natural color image showed the landscape in the colors our eyes would see, but Landsat sensors also have the ability to see wavelengths of light that our eyes cannot see. LDCM sees eleven bands within the electromagnetic spectrum, the range of wavelengths of light. OLI collects light reflected from Earth's surface in nine of these bands. Wavelengths on the shorter side include the visible blue, green, and red bands. Wavelengths on the longer side include the near infrared and shortwave infrared. LDCM's second instrument, the Thermal InfraredSensor (TIRS) detects light emitted from the surface in two even longer wavelengths called the thermal infrared. The intensity of the emitted light at the longer wavelengths measured by TIRS is a function of surface temperature.

Good Book for GIS Beginners : Book II

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Understanding GIS: An ArcGIS Project Workbook, is a very user-friendly written book for those interested to begin using ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 10 or ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 using real data from the City of Los Angeles' Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering's Mapping Division, and Department of Recreation and Parks and to manipulate it using the power of GIS.

 Don't expect to become a GIS expert at the end because this is simply a good introduction to ArcGIS. The book guides the reader step-by-step, mouse-click-by mouse-click, decision-by-decision through a GIS project to determine for yourself which locations along the river are best suited for public recreational use in Los Angeles. At the end, you will have learned many of the fundamentals of GIS generally and ArcGIS specifically which aims at finding a suitable land parcel(s)for a new park area in Los Angeles .You use real data which comes in the companion DVD. When you reach the final stage in chapter 6 and follow all the careful steps to manually select the best areas and you learned why you do so, you discover in the following chapter (chapter 7) that you can do the same in a much quicker way by using a visual graphing tool, a marvel in my opinion of ArcGIS Desktop.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

GeoExt Layer Tree: Showing BaseLayers and Overlay Layer

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I was looking for GeoExt's tree example for my project, and I found official tutorials are kind of hard to understand for the GeoExt beginners. On Googleing through the internet, I found nice and easy way of creating tree  structure menu using GeoExt BaseLayer and Overlay layer tree.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Geography of Pizza : Trying to Explore VGI and Crowd Sourcing

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 Mark Turgeon, a graduate student studying GIS at California State University is studying and analyzing regional pizza preferences, styles and identity as his MS thesis. To collect anonymous data about the regional pizza preferences he built up a nice survey website, geographyofpizza.com.

He classified pizzas by:

  1. Style
  2. Crust
  3. Cheese
  4. Sauce   
  5. Toppings
  6. Sold by
  7. Slices Cut
  8. Oven
Check it out and help him in collecting data or know about pizza more.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Geographic Information Science (GIS) Internships Summer 2013

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Click Link for Details
Summer 2013 Internship 
Burlington, Vermont  
GIS Mapping Project - This internship includes a stipend of $4,000 for 10 weeks work. 

GIS Intern
Anchorage, AK
-Knowledge of Esri ArcGIS software, GIS analysis, ---Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office suite.  Knowledge of AutoCAD/Microstation is a plus.

GIS Intern
Oakland, CA
 Currently enrolled as a junior or senior in Geography or related field.
- Intermediate skills using Esri ArcGIS version 10
- Good written and communication skills.

Intern - GIS  Summer
-Demonstrated working knowledge of ESRI data formats and Microsoft Office products
-Must have a minimum of one year undergraduate education in GIS, Cartography, or other related discipline and be currently enrolled in and actively working towards a degree

Horticulture & GIS Interns
Missouri Botanical Garden, MO
Various Openings

GIS Intern
Boston, MA
-College Graduate BA/BS 
-Understanding of excel and economic modeling a plus.

12-Week GIS Internship
National Park Service , Gatlinburg, TN
-Experience in geographic information systems (GIS), computer cartography a must, specifically experience using ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap/ArcCatalog). Experience with geodatabase formats is a plus.

GIS Intern
Arlington, TX
Skill in Arc GIS, Arc GIS editing environment and Geo-processing tools is essential.

GIS Intern
Southlake, Texas
-Work requires knowledge of a specific vocational, administrative, or technical nature that may be obtained with advanced study or training past the high school equivalency. 

Environmental Intern

-Proficiency with GIS software preferred.
-Must be enrolled in a planning program in an accredited School of Planning

Intern II
Philadelphia, PA
-Bachelors or Master’s degree complete or in progress
-Experience with GIS, simple web design, and graphic design a plus

Wildfire Planning Intern
North Carolina

-Undergraduate or graduate program focusing on Environmental Studies, Biology, Forestry, or related field
-Ability to perform physical work, sometime under adverse conditions or in inclement weather
-Ability to make maps using GIS

GIS Intern
Libertyville, Illinois
-Knowledge of geography as applied to concepts and principles of GIS, map projections and datums, coordinate systems and cartographic designs.
-Ability to use GIS equipment, instruments and devices

GIS Coordinator Intern
Sioux Falls,SD
-Working knowledge of ESRI and ArcGIS software
-Knowledge of GPS or GPS/GIS data collection.
-Knowledge in CAD and design software.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Call for Student Volunteers : FOSS4G-NA 2013

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Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial North America is calling for Student Volunteers to encourage student participation at FOSS4G-NA Conference 2013 at Marriott City Center, Minneapolis, MN May 22–24, 2013.

Apply by April 1, 2013 to select on random drawing.

As a volunteer, students will be able to participate in all of the conference activities such as  staffing the registration desk or being a room monitor for a session. You will get a complimentary registration to the conference, but you will still need to get yourself to Minneapolis and find lodging.

Applicants need to be a currently registered, full-time student at a college or university in North America. Volunteers may be asked to confirm their student status.To ensure volunteer opportunities are spread across institutions, only one person from each college or university will be selected until all institutions are represented by one student. For institutions with multiple campuses, each campus will be allowed one student.

Click below for more information:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Python Scripting for ArcGIS

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Python Scripting for ArcGIS is a new text from Esri Press by Paul A. Zandbergen (2013). It isn’t the first Python book for the geospatial community or even focused on ArcGIS, but it is the first that has the Esri logo on it. Much like other recent books on Geo/Python we have seen, it focuses on integrating an introduction to Python with the industry specific materials. As Frank mentioned when he highlighted the book in a previous podcast, this allows users to gain exposure to Python, but it doesn’t fall back on the (in my opinion) bad habit of most programming texts of spending half of the book on the language and concepts before even getting to the application in the specific area. There is a time and place for that approach in Python specific books. When you add another software library to a book, then use it from the get go.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Federal Government GIS and Geospatial Conference 2013

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OpenGeo is going to sponsor FedGeo Day 2013 at Washington DC on Feb 28, 2013. The theme of the conference is about Modern Tools for GIS, Geo Data & Cartography, which will introduce you to GIS, cartography, web mapping, and map publishing tools, show you what you can do with them, and walk through how and why government agencies are using them to dramatically improve their mapping, cartography, and GIS projects.

The conference announcement from their newsletter...

OpenGeo is proud to support FedGeo Day, the exciting new conference in Washington DC. The event offers a platform for those who work in or with federal agencies to share their experiences with modern open source geospatial technologies.

We’re looking forward to seeing case studies of how these tools are being used in government, what benefits they bring, and why so many agencies are shifting to open source technology. There will also be interactive demos that explore specific open source tools and applications. The schedule is packed with programming that should be particularly attractive for those for those who make technology decisions within the federal government.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Call for Student Volunteers : COM.Geo 2013

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COM.Geo 2013 is calling for student volunteers for the 4th international Conference on Computing for Geospatial research and Application at San Jose, CA from July 22-24, 2013. 
Desired Qualifications
Volunteers must be full-time undergraduate or graduate students. Students from all disciplines and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. We are looking for enthusiastic, intelligent, and reliable students. No special skills or experience are necessary for most volunteer positions; however, some familiarity with computing platforms, audio/visual equipment, or office equipment can be helpful.

Benefits and Duties
As a student volunteer for COM.Geo conference, you will receive:

FULL conference registration
COM.Geo logo T-shirt
Conference reception ticket(s)
Additional exclusive student-volunteer-only mentoring and professional development events

In return, student volunteers will be asked to work around 15 hours over the course of the conference. Typical student volunteer duties consist of working the registration desk, session support, and anything else that helps the conference runs smoothly. Note that each student volunteer will be responsible for all his/her own travel expenses.

Further information to apply click below:



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