Friday, September 28, 2012

ASPRS Potomac Region GeoTech 2012 Annual Conference

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ASPRS Potomac Region
GeoTech 2012 Annual Conference
October 25-26, 2012
Deadline for Exhibitor and Sponsors is Extended until October 11, 2012.

Support ASPRS GeoTech!
     Fees:  Exhibitor $300; Sponsor $250
Fairfax Marriott at Fair Oaks 
11787 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway· Fairfax, Virginia 22033 - USA

Friday October 26 = Conference w/ Exhibits & Sponsor
Thursday October 25 = Workshops (Sponsor)

Contact : Exhibitor & Sponsor Chairman & Potomac Region President
For more Information:
Call or Email now to sponsor and reserve you company's booth !

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

GIS for Web developers :Book Review

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Since smartphone arrived, GIS app development and GIS web development are become lucrative jobs. GIS application development is not limited with a particular domain, often people lost in the wilderness of GIS if they don’t have multidisciplinary concepts on computer programming, geography, spatial statistics, database and so forth. It is really important to get crisp knowledge while GIS application development.

GIS for Web Developers introduces Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in simple terms and demonstrates hands-on uses. With this book, you'll explore popular websites like, see the technologies they use, and learn how to create your own. Written with the usual Pragmatic Bookshelf humor and real-world experience, GIS for Web Developers makes geographic programming concepts accessible to the common developer.

I really enjoyed the book “GIS for Web Developers addingwhere to your web applications”, it introduces the all concepts mentioned above in very succinct and understandable way. In addition, it has nice combination of real world web application examples and the open source tools available for the GIS developers.

So don’t get behind put a new copy of book in your shelf.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Conference speakers’ evaluation template

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As an undergrad/grad student, you already attended several seminars so far, may be new conference are on your schedule. I think everybody believes that conferences are great place to share ideas and learning. Conference is not limited for learning only, but there is a high chance of hangout with your potential job manager at the beer bar.  You will meet great scholars in your area, wonderful people in your area.

How many of you remember the seminars you have been attended? Who were the speakers? What was their presentation title? What was their research and findings? So, I think it would be a better to make a habit attending presentation with paper and pen. 

You can write down notes as in the flowing template for your memory.


Research Questions & Presentation Questions
How answered? How well answered? Strengths and weakness of research.
Research Evaluation
What were the presenters’ style and presentation organization (Which is separate from the   organization of the research)? What were the strengths? Weakness?
Presentation Evaluation
Dr. Shannon O’Lear
(University of Kansas)
How accurate is the information provided to the public by environmental stakeholders?
-          Depends upon stakeholder’s power and geographic scale they studies.
What role has power played in environmental politics?
-          Carbon neutralizing, Carbon offset
How clearly are geographic phenomena presented it the scale is changed?
-          As an example of Coffee such as where it was build and how it was packaged. 

What are the powers of Global Science?
-          Cheat neutral, Carbon neutral, and so forth.
Why is the public ignorant about food security?
-          Trust in the science and government policy.

Is there any uncertainty about the accuracy of Global Climate Change model?
-          Of course, uncertainty as understood by scientist modelers vs non- scientist , and uncertainty  in the scale as to focus on  regional issues  derived from global one.

Strong points
-          Tries to aware people about the influence of power and scale in global environment change and its problems.
Weak points
-          Does not provide the solution for the problems.
-          Strong participation with audience.
-          Lively presentation

-          Not open for Q/A session.

Dr. David Lanegran
(Macalester College)
What is the history and appeal of MN mapping?
-          Compares the map from 1720 to 1920 and later.
What factors helped decision makers set the boundaries between MN and surrounding states?
-          State filled with comment interest people and physical infrastructure to support the sustainable development.
-          Size
How do maps help people know the history of places and territories?
-          Description abt. Iowa era, Wisconsin era, and formation of Dakota Territory.
-          After the concept of maps as place makers in late 1880s.

How do maps increase the popularity of MN?
-          Advertisement as MN where dreams still comes true and 1000 lakes society makes sophisticated maps.
What features must a formal map have?
-          Detailed geo-political boundaries, cities, roads, states etc.
Why Dakota territory is cut off from MN?
-          Ideal size of MN to became a state.
When did MN become a popular tourist destination?

Strong Points
-          Series of maps help to understand the “Geo-politics” behind the MN state formation.
- Strong audience   hooking.
- Picture speaks more than words.
-          Not open for Q/A session.
Dr. John Fraser   Hart
(University of Minnesota)
What are the relationships between retailing, land use planning, and the public good in MN?
-          Relates by showing hotspots of dairy farms, Ag farm in MN.
-          Depicts the influence of Interstate for farm development.
Why and how do gender differences play important roles in farm management?
-          Talks based upon field based data collection, won experience and open the new ideas for further research.
What role does technology play in modern farming?
-          Increase productivity and less labor cost- as an example of chicken farm.
Strong points
-          Presenting the geography that happening daily around us that are unnoticeable by many people, in fairly simple and easy manner.

-Strong audience hooking.
-Picture speaks more than words.
-Presenting his experience.

-          Not open for Q/A session.
Dr. Stanly Brunn
(University of Kentucky)
What are the impacts of geography in other disciplines such as natural science and   engineering?
-          It helps to bridge the various disciplines to empower the human life.
What role has geography played in the improvement of human life?
-          By ending wars, racial discrimination, support advocacy groups etc

Why does geography have more opportunity than other branches sciences?
-          Going abroad, field work, opportunity to learn new languages, expanding visualization knowledge etc.
What kind of discipline is GEOG?
-          Spatial discipline, bridge discipline, empowering disciple, caring discipline etc.
What can geographer do and not do?
-          Depends upon perception of relating phenomena to geography or not.
In what ways is the life of geographer good?
-          Cultural DNA (have experience of meeting diverse people).
-          Roles on improving human conditions by ending wars, racial discriminations.
Strong points
-          Shows the diverse field of geography in effective way, which is very helpful for carrier planning.
-          Shows the bond between GEOG and other disciplines.

Weak points
-          Does not talk about negative of geography.

-Open for the Q/A session.
-Good audience hooking
Dr. Brad
(University of North Dakota)
How and why does remote sensing help detect invasive species?
-          Large area coverage from aerial photo and
-          Provide constant monitoring on the species.
What are the challenges in indentifying and locating invasive plants?
-          To detect the invasive plants among the vegetation.
What are the quantifying patterns in invasive plant habitat in North Dakota?

Why should we study and monitor invasive plants?
-          Harmful for vegetation and human.
How has the introduction of exotic plants changed the lakes of North Dakota?

Strong points
-          Remotely sensed data is cross- validated with field collected data for the accuracy.

Weak points
-          Research is limited only among 12 species among 40 species.
-          Redundancy in presenting materials
-          Not strong audience hooking

-Open for the Q/A session

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

R tips must know by Geospatial Analyst

1 Comment
1) Merge ESRI shape file with external CSV or data frame to plot the map with CSV/data frame variables

library(RColorBrewer)    # creates nice color schemes
library(classInt)               # finds class intervals for continuous variables

#Read files
csvvalues=read.csv(“c:/csv_path ")
shapefile= readShapePoly("c:/shape.shp")

#Merge data by unique ID
shapefile@data <-data.frame(shapefile@data, csvvalues, by="ID")

# Define the number of classes to be mapped
nclass <- 5

# Set the color ramp that will be used to plot these classes
cols <- brewer.pal(nclass,"YlGnBu")

# Set the class breakpoints using equal intervals
# Can also use quantiles or natural breaks - see help(classIntervals)
breaks <- classIntervals(Column_name_to_be_mapped, nclass, style="quantile")

# Based on the breakpoints and color ramp, specify a color to plot for each polygon
plotcols <- findColours(breaks, cols)

# Generate the map
plot (shapefile, col=plotcols)

2) Combine multiple data frames with similar names into a single data frame using matched column names.
Ex. Use gtools library and smart bind function.
library (“gtools”)
df_result <- smartbind(df1,df2)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Interactive Obesity and Rural Health Map

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An interactive maps shows the influences of landscapes in rural health using ExtJs,GeoExt,Openlayers,Geoserver,PHP,Jquery, JavaScript, and other opensource tools.
Check it out

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Interactive West Nile virus incidence mapping using OpenGeo tools, Google APIs, & HTML5

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The Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence at South Dakota State University developed a web based West Nile virus (WNV) mapping application using Geosever, Openlayers, PostGIS,GeoWebCache, Jquery, Google visualization APIs, and, other open source technologies. This application allows users to pan, and zoom to visualize historical WNV patterns while using a slider bar to navigate through time. Users can click on counties to see -county level time-series graphs, case counts, and total population. The application also supports changing choropleth transparencies, choropleth classifications, and map backgrounds.

A. OpenGeo tools:

i.     Open layers
ii.    Geoserver
iii.   WebGeoCache
iv.   PostGIS

B. Google APIs
i.       Google Maps API
ii.      Google Charting API
C.      HTML5

These are frequently refereed to as HTML5 technologies.
HTML Canvas
Other CSS improvements such as flex boxes
Offline Storage
New events such as touch and orientation
Click here to visit the Application

Thursday, May 24, 2012

CSS hack for Firefox/ IE compatibility

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I really like Mike's hack for firefox/ IE compatibility and posted from his blog.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to connect spatial database(PostGIS) with QGIS?

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In this section, I am showing the 3 basic steps to connect PostGIS database with a widely used open source desktop based gis, QGIS. 

Step1: Install PostGIS with Spatial database support extension
i.                    If PostgreSQL is already installed è Launch ‘Application stack builder’ from startup menu in windows 7.
ii.                  Select the appropriate instance of PGSQL from dropdown list and Click NEXT.
iii.                Expand ‘Categories’è Expand ‘Spatial Extensions’ è Select appropriate PostGIS version(1.5)  for the already installed PGSQL version(8.4).
iv.                    Follow the instructions to install the PostGIS extension.


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